After 2 unprecedented years, we are experiencing the “new normal,” including a return to seasonality in the market. We have reached the mid-point of 2023 and are taking stock of how the market has fared thus far in each county of Northwest and Central Vermont. New England Federal Credit Union has also provided an update on mortgage rates and trends for buyers and sellers.
Know the Trends
Luxury Property Report
The luxury market could arguably be stated as the market segment most impacted by the pandemic.

Multi-Family & Investment Property Report
The multi-family market continues to provide owners with solid and predictable investment opportunities.
What’s Happening in Your County or Town?
Chittenden County Results
While prices for single-family homes have increased across the county by nearly 51% since mid-year 2020, growth has moderated in 2023 at a 7% increase.
Addison County Results
The real estate market in Addison County is not immune to the trends seen across other counties although at a more moderate pace.
Franklin County Results
The first half of 2023 saw a decline of 27% in closed sales for single-family homes in Franklin County compared to the same period last year.
Lamoille County Results
Driven by the staggering median sale price of $1,210,000 in Stowe, Lamoille County has the 2nd highest median price across the counties.
Grand Isle County Results
The market has bounced back after a slow start to 2023. While new listings of single-family homes coming on the market dropped by 20%…
Washington County Results
The results in Washington County reflect sales through June 30th, prior to the devastating floods that impacted the region.
One thing remains constant – real estate is local. I’m always available to answer any questions about the market and your property.