Buying & Selling

Buying & Selling My advice if you’re in the market for property It’s nice to see the pop of spring color throughout our region – and a pop in real estate activity as well. Through the end of April, we’ve seen a 10% year-over-year increase in homes on the market throughout northwest Vermont. Buyer demand still exceeds the supply of homes for sale, pushing the median sales […]
Buying & Selling What determines the value of a home? The demand on the housing market and limited inventory, while easing a bit as we enter the fall and winter months, has continued to impact home prices. We are often asked what considerations go into the value of a home. Pricing a home is a science – as well as an art. Many considerations determine […]
Buying & Selling 2023 Mid Year Vermont Market Report After 2 unprecedented years, we are experiencing the “new normal,” including a return to seasonality in the market. We have reached the mid-point of 2023 and are taking stock of how the market has fared thus far in each county of Northwest and Central Vermont. New England Federal Credit Union has also provided an update […]
Buying & Selling Renting or Buying: which choice is right for you? Is it better to buy or rent your home? The answer really depends on your personal goals, lifestyle, and financial situation. There are pros and cons on both sides that you should consider before you make a move. Home Ownership: The “Pros” Owning your own home is a big part of the American Dream, and […]
Buying & Selling Why you should always work with a realtor Buying or selling a home can be complicated. There’s a lot at stake, and a lot of details to manage. One of the best things you can do to ensure the entire process goes smoothly is to work with an experienced, qualified realtor. A good realtor will save you time and money and help you […]
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